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Ex start a conversation then just stop? please help? - Printable Version

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Ex start a conversation then just stop? please help? - Katie - 03-18-2014 01:36 AM

My ex and I have been broken up for about 2 months, was together for a little over a year and the reason for the break up was he wanted to find himself a bit more and hopefully we would get back in the future. In the relationship, things weren't going great anyway. There were mind games and lies, it was unfair, I did not feel secure or happy, he was very hypocritical, he told me what to do and can't do (he could do things that i was not aloud to do), he was jealous over small things, look on my phone and facebook messages when i wasn't looking, ask who i've been talking to recently. Everyone could see that was not right and that i shouldn't be putting up with it, but i found it so hard to tell him because i mind would've blanked out, i knew whatever i would tell him about how i feel, he would get angry and we would argue for hours. He knew i wasn't happy, and he found it unfair. I was close to ending the relationship myself.
When we broke up, he was telling me he would hope for us to be good friends and that i will always be in his life. He always used to reminisce on the past and say that how he misses this and that, says he still loves me and misses me. (we both go to the same college and we have the same group of friends). He was treating me as if we were still together. I couldn't handle it, i was not happy so I told him to stop and leave me alone, he obviously was getting angry and saying we are only friends. He can't break up with me but still have me hanging there.
Anyway, situation now.
He would text me initiating a conversation, i would reply then suddenly no reply from him. He has done this a couple of times, I would tell him at college why was he doing this and he would just say 'didn't know what to say back'. Since then if he has been texting me asking something, i suddenly would stop replying too and then at college he would say something about me not replying. This was a long while ago, since then we have not been seeing each other at college, i've been staying away from him keeping my distance. The last 2 weeks, i've been feeling very happy and my friends can really see that too that i am much better without him, I have been keeping myself busy and i feel like a completely different person than i was about a month ago.
So yesterday i was in my class doing work and i heard someone's voice, and i looked round and i saw he came in to my class just to see everyone's work. I pretended i didn't see him, i got up and was walking around and he called me, i looked and smiled and said hello. then he made a 'come here' gesture and asking me if i was alright, i said i was great just doing work, then i asked why he was in my department when his at the other end of the college he said 'i'm on my break, just wanted to see people's work' when i think and people think too he came in to just to see what i was up to since he hasn't seen me or spoke to me in a while. I said oh okay, then got back on with my work and speaking to my friends. I found it pretty odd. Now, last night i got a text from him asking
''You was in a mood with me on wednesday, why? also i need to give back your psp'' (he told me ages ago, he was going to bring it in to give to me, i replied ''I was not in a mood with you at all, why do you think that? and yeah please'', he replied ''thought you was, and okay good'', then i said ''you came in to my class, we said hello, spoke for a bit then i got on with my work, how did you think that?'', then no reply back.. Is he testing my feelings for him like he did before?
Sorry for the essay, didn't know how to sum it up.

Thank you Smile
Does he just want a confidence boost? Does he want me there as his safety net?
Forgot to mention, he came over about a month ago to collect some of his stuff from my house.
He was crying, says he made a mistake, says he misses me, hoping we would still talk to eachother blah blah blaaah
Shall i just leave it and make it seem I don't care?

- blackgrumpycat - 03-18-2014 01:46 AM

That relationship was going nowhere when you were together. You have admitted that you are happier when you don't contact him. Get your PSP back and tell him that you don't want him to text you and you will not text him. Be polite when you see him, but don't hang out with him.

- BenJammin - 03-18-2014 01:55 AM

Wow Katie well it would be best for u to not have anything to do with him. It could be that he's sticking around u because he is lonely at times (which are these times he makes attempts/concerns towards u), other times he may feel good about being done with u so that's why he doesn't message back and u don't hear from him and all that. It sounds like he is scared about being alone and losing a girlfriend that he likes in someway. Although idk, it seems like u may possibly be a extremely physically attractive girl and although the mental/emotional aspect of the relationship didn't work out, he wants ur beauty. He must also not be very occupied or have many people to go to so he is clinging by u (which in this case is not such a positive). U should tell him exactly how u feel (how u don't want him anymore, he hurt u, how u don't want him following/bothering u, etc, but not in a angry way). And u also need to get ur psp back. Tell him to bring it to school or something but try to get that asap so he doesn't have an leverage to use that against u by keeping u bound to him in anyway and simply just because it's yours and doesn't belong to him. Plus u have friends like you've mentioned already, so u can just ask them all this you've written. Good luck though, this guy doesn't derserve u and u don't need these nonsense games.

- Mandie Lynn - 03-18-2014 02:08 AM

Well he hasn't found someone stable since he has been with you and it seems that he can see you are doing very well while he is doing not so well. He may be missing you because right now his life is sucking, maybe hoping that if he can get back with you, life will be better. However if things didn't work well for 2 years, they most likely would fall back into the same pattern eventually. I would not let him convince you to turn your decision around, even for one time sex or anything because he seems like the type that won't get off once they are on. Continue trying to avoid him unless necessary but don't be a bitch and if he does ask to get back together, simply tell him that you are happier now and don't want the old pattern to make your life unhappy. In the meantime, try to set him up with someone or suggest someone that is more into his choices and lifestyle. You can always hope for a happy ending.