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What do yo think about this statement? Politics on Facebook? - Printable Version

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What do yo think about this statement? Politics on Facebook? - kobra - 03-18-2014 05:53 AM

If you're going to post about something controversial on social media, you should probably be prepared for the backlash you might get from people who disagree with you. Just a general statement or "rule of thumb."

- STEEL - 03-18-2014 06:05 AM

One of the many reasons I quit facebook over two years ago. (that and the parade of ex girlfriends finding me and wanting to be my friend) I found that 90% of what I did on Facebook was argue with friends about politics, posting links, and trying to one-up each other. It got to a point to where it didn't matter who was right or wrong, just whoever put on the best show. And I realized that I didn't need to categorize the people in my life by their political beliefs. Especially people I was SUPPOSED to be friends with.

- 359 - 03-18-2014 06:08 AM

The problem is what far too many consider controversial. Advocate Christian values and you are labeled a bigot, or worse. Advocate personal responsibility? Hater. Now, I couldn't care less if people don't like me for my politics or anything I believe. I know what I believe and why I believe it.

- Chewy Ivan 2 - 03-18-2014 06:15 AM

That's sound advice. Unfortunately, in my case, that backlash included losing my job. While we panic over government spying on us, remember that private companies are already doing that.

- Dixie - 03-18-2014 06:31 AM

Just like here!

- Elliot - 03-18-2014 06:40 AM

Of course.

- 086 - 03-18-2014 06:56 AM

True anywhere you post on the internet including Yahoo political and the Joke forum.

- Stephen - 03-18-2014 07:06 AM

Yeah, it's also a great governmental tool, to gauge how well they are brainwashing the populace. If they see that the majority of the country is divided by the two leading contenders between the republican party and democratic party, they laugh and pat and pat each other on the back. But yes, if you post something political on facebook, you will get responses from people that don't have a clue, but think they do, unfortunately.