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How can I prevent my mom from seeing what I like and comment on on Facebook? - Printable Version

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How can I prevent my mom from seeing what I like and comment on on Facebook? - Jonique Nicole - 03-18-2014 06:38 AM

I have my mother as a friend on Facebook and I dont want to unfriend her because that will just cause a whole other set of problems.

I have my privacy set so that when i update my status, with either i picture or just words, she and many other family members cannot see them.

However, when I click the 'Like' button or comment on a pages' post or a friends post, somehow she can still see them. I know this because not even an hour ago, I commented on a picture that a band page posted and she commented referring to my comment. I know for a fact that she does not like the band page so it would not have just shown up on her newsfeed. It showed up on her newsfeed because i commented on it. this also happens when i like something of a friends or comment on something of a friends.

so my question is, is there any way to stop the posts i like and comment on from showing up on my mothers newsfeed? i will not unfriend her, and i already have it set that she cannot see my personal status updates.

thanks in advance.

- Flowerless Angel - 03-18-2014 06:51 AM

I don't think there is a way to disable that sort of thing. I've tried disabling seeing my friends commenting/liking random posts on my wall and it just won't work.

- Molly - 03-18-2014 07:05 AM

Block her Smile

- Mark - 03-18-2014 07:17 AM

Make your account private and unfollow your mom

- clearthinkernow - 03-18-2014 07:33 AM

What bad behavior are you commiting that you don't want your mother to see? If you make it a policy to never, ever do anything you wouldn't want your parents to see, you will never get into trouble. You are not behaving the way you were taught and deceit is not the way to deal with it.