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Advice please,Should i try to get in contact with him? - Printable Version

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Advice please,Should i try to get in contact with him? - melissa - 03-18-2014 07:52 AM

well to make the story short, i had a boyfriend who i adored but deep inside i was afraid i wasnt going to truly make him happy, lil things made me panic like when at first he agreed to hangout with me on new years, then out of no where he remembered he was going to go to church that day instead, well he became my ex boyfriend because my 81 year old bestfriend who has some type "psychic ability" told me i shouldnt be in no relationship right now i need to focus on other things, so i ended up breaking up with him because i value who opinion since she been through life even though deep inside i regret it because i adore him, so we stayed friends but then i panicked again because i felt like i was opening up more about my life like childhood things and he became distant, this made me vulnerable so like a idiot i told him i love him but we cant be friends, he didnt act like he was fighting for our relationship so out of anger i deleted his number, i thought he would get back in contact with me if he loved me but he hasnt, he has not try to contact me at all ;'( making me feel like maybe he didnt care, anyway i sent him skype messages but he has not seen them, also these past 2 weeks of not hearing from him made a change in me, i realize so much about myself an why im scared someone will just leave me, iv change on a soul level in a positive way.. MY QUESTION IS: I dont have facebook but my friend does and i could have her get in contact with him through Facebook for sure but SHOULD I? OR SHOULD I JUST WAIT UNTIL HE CONTACTS ME? IF A MAN TRULY LOVES YOU WOULDNT IT NOT BE SO EASY TO LET THE WOMAN YOU LOVE OUT YOUR LIFE?? please give me so advice.. any experience with this type of situation..thank you

- Raptor Jesus - 03-18-2014 07:55 AM

no, he didn't try to win you back. That means he never cared in the first place.

- postal p - 03-18-2014 08:07 AM

Get on facebook. You really do have a chance with him. Give it your best shot.