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Want a boyfriend, but worried about image and weight? - Printable Version

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Want a boyfriend, but worried about image and weight? - Jayy - 03-18-2014 05:50 PM

So, I'm 16.Im 5"3, and just about 125 lbs. I'm a Junior in high school, and while I'm not TOTALLY into having a boyfriend at the moment...I always think about having one, but then I look at myself and ask, who would find me attractive?
I had a boyfriend before, like last year, but I wasn't really attractive to him....he probably wasn't even really into me either, he just wanted someone to kiss...and I just kinda wanted the experience.
I'm not really looking for a boyfriend right now, though there are a few cute boys at my school Wink
but like..I'm kinda shy around people I don't know, and I don't have many friends, I'm really? anti-social, its just, I like my space. and that last boyfriend was like, always up my butt wanting to hang out evry second of everyday. And it annoyed me.
Trying to find that right guy...but I'm scard. I live in California, and a large majority of the girls at my school are twigs! and I'm not. I'm not HUGE, but I'm not tiny. I got some chub in my stomach, and I bloat, really glass of water and my stomach stretches! (medical condition?lol)

Guys, what do you like in a girl?
Once someone gets to know me and Im comfortable, I'm all up for sports or a movie, or just hanging, or whatever, i'm pretty flexble with it all. Got a semi-messy medium pixie cut (brown hair) and brown eyes, lots of energy and a big heart, but I'm convinced I'm gonna grow up and die single...
Its kinda degrading on the self-image/esteem thing.
And that's not all that high either. I've always been pretty confident and least, more so around people I know, you know. I'm not one to just go hang out with strangers...I don't like being hurt. I knew a guy once who liked to move in uninvited on my personal space and my body, so I don't really let guys in right away...

There any hope for me?
Thanks rude comments please...:\
Wow guys, thanks for all the nice encouraging words...making me feel better as I read them all..Smile

- Milton - 03-18-2014 05:51 PM

I'm exactly 6 foot 18 and in college i like a girl with great features and a great personality, the way you described yourself... idk but i'm sure you can find a guy, there's always someone looking for another just as you find yourself at the moment.

P.S - Don't be too hard on yourself.

- Poppet - 03-18-2014 06:02 PM

A healthy weight for a female who is 5'3" is between 111 - 147 pounds depending on body frame size. You are in the middle of that range. You are a healthy and normal weight for your height. Which is exactly what most males want. If guys aren't approaching you it's probably not your body that its the issue. It's probably your lack of confidence and comfort in yourself.

- RaNdOm - 03-18-2014 06:09 PM

5'3 and 125lbs is a really good size! You seem really pretty, but my advice to you is not to rush into a relationship. NEVER go into a relationship insecure, it WON'T work. If you think your a little chubby, start exercising and watching what you eat. I'm shy too! And its hard for me to talk to guys because I get really nervous lol so Idk how to help you with that, just try to figure out why your so shy around them and fix it. I hope you find the right guy.

- Az - 03-18-2014 06:19 PM

Honey you are FINE! Smile

Its okay to be cautious, and honestly it helps weed out the guys that aren't worth the time anyway. You're right to not let guys force themselves into your space.
I used to think I was hyper-independent and needed my space with relationships. I would get really irritated when they wanted to hang out all the time (much like you) and it dawned on me that its probably because I didn't like the guy as much as I thought I did, and ultimately stopped dating like that altogether. If you really like a guy, you'll want to talk to him every day.

But before you really get into dating and relationships, you need to learn to love yourself first. Be comfortable with who you are, and guys will gravitate to that. You seem like a cool girl, you should pick out things you like about yourself and focus on those. It doesn't matter what everyone else thinks, its all about what YOU think of YOURSELF. People will come to see you the same way.

And honestly don't worry about 'dying single'. You're only 16, you have a LOT of time to meet Mr. Right and most girls don't find them till they're well out of high school. Either way, its okay to be single. You have to be comfortable being single before you can be comfortable in a relationship, because you have to love yourself before you can really love someone else.

- sandra - 03-18-2014 06:30 PM

Mostly boys liking the breast and butt. So better you can concentrate on this. check this site its very useful.

- Kaley - 03-18-2014 06:37 PM

just be nice. if they don't like u tell them to fuck off. and ur not worth my time