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The guy i'm dating changed up over night... Please Help......? - Printable Version

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The guy i'm dating changed up over night... Please Help......? - Lucy - 03-19-2014 02:52 AM

He asked my auntie if he could have my number about 3-4 months ago, he told me he had been in a relationship a few months back and this girl was a cheater blah blah blah... everything was fine, eventually I began staying over his apt, he introduced me to his close family and everything was running smoothly for the first 2 months. About a month ago he began telling me things like, I could never love again, I don't want to get hurt and I wont give my heart to another woman again. Still we continued spending time together and so on. Two weeks ago I posted a picture of myself on his Facebook page, two days later I was on my way to his house and he text me "I have marks on my neck" I was floored. Turns out the ex had a fit about the picture and somehow ended up going to see him, telling him she loves him and wants to work things out, but then again she's married and isn't planning on leaving her husband any time soon. We talked and he decided that he wanted to continue seeing me and supposedly wasn't going to continue the communication with her. That same night she showed up and had a fit cause we were together and told him never to contact her again, that he was a worthless SOB and all this other stuff. Ok, last night I slept over his house and things were fine, well today I went over, about 15 min after I got there he said "i'll be right back" and later I found out he left with her. He called his sister to tell her were he was, then asked to talk to me. He said "she's not my girlfriend she's my friend, but you deserve better, you're an amazing woman but at this point I cant love you the way you deserve to be loved. She isn't for me and I have no plans of asking her out or anything like that but if I could have things my way I would be with her" I just said "that's fine, do your thing and i'ma go my way" but he doesn't want that either... I guess after hanging with him almost daily feelings were developed from me toward him, I feel heartbroken, but don't know how to handle the situation. He said he wanted to talk things when he got home but I chose to leave, his sister (lives there with him) is angry because she doesn't understand why he is doing all this, she says she sees something in him when he is with me that she never saw when he was with her. I want to understand but I cant. Could he feel no attachment to me after seeing me almost daily? Am I just wasting my time? Someone please help me sort all this out, also every night we were together he seemed very affectionate, held me all through the night, randomly squeezed me tightly then fell back asleep and kissed me (soft pecks on the cheek, hands or on my head)... Is he confused or just playing with my feelings? thanks in advanced... and sorry for the super long story, I just wanted you to better understand why I'm so confused...

- Shanilee - 03-19-2014 02:57 AM

I hate to say this, and this is just my opinion, but it sounds like you're his back up. It's harder said than done, but I'd get out of there asap. It doesn't mean he doesn't care about you. Sounds like he enjoys spending time with you, but he is definitely hung up on his ex big time.

- MACKINNON - 03-19-2014 03:07 AM

the guy clearly doesn't know what he wants.he is more confused than you think you are and if not careful,he's goin to drag u into his world of confusion.yoi know what you want.and you don't want to be used so just do what you know is right.walking away is hard to think of but it's the better option here.sorry

- Rosebyanothername - 03-19-2014 03:12 AM

He's playing you and uses youas a replacement for his ex. Leave and never talk to him again