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Do you think it's right to fire someone for saying that had a bad day at work on a Social Media Site? - Printable Version

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Do you think it's right to fire someone for saying that had a bad day at work on a Social Media Site? - Teh Awesome - 03-19-2014 11:07 AM

For example say you had an annoying customer at work and when you got home you post on Facebook: "Man I had to deal with this stupid lady today. She couldn't even follow simple instructions. Kept me after work for a half an hour too. God a Fucking hate people sometimes."

Or lets say it was just a stressful day and you post something like this on your MySpace: "Man work sucked today. So many people were just bugging me with stupid shit and (insert something here) was broke again. Man some days I just hate my job."

Or lets say you are just angry at a situation and Tweet something like... "They didn't approve my time off again . I put in for it like a fucking week ago. I've worked here for 3 years you think they could give me a few days off when I need them."

These are normal things that you would say to you friends and family any way. I mean everyone complains about there job at some point. However people are getting fired from there jobs for things like this every day. Do you think it's right for our employers to censer what we say outside of work? Is it wrong for us to have opinions or is it just wrong for us to speak those opinions to others?

Now don't get me wrong I'm not saying if you say "My Boss is a Fucking Dick!" or "Customer X's account logging was xxxsexypants lol" Or "Company X is stealing it's customers money don't buy from them." that that's ok. I mean there are center things you shouldn't be saying out loud or online and not expect to get reprimanding for it but being fired for just letting off some steam or a little rant to you friends and family over you PRIVATE (I'm not talking about people who have the account public or post on public forums) social media site should you real loss your job over that? I don't think so. What do you guys think?

- koveredincake - 03-19-2014 11:21 AM

You should NEVER discuss the negative side of work on a social site. I don't know why anyone would ever do this.

Even if you didn't say something that could get you fired, you could say something which would cause other co-workers to look at you in a bad light. Word could get around to those in charge of your paycheck and the next thing you know, you are being treated differently.

Things you say online might not warrant getting fired, but they could affect your next raise or promotion or general work environment.