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Why won't the "other" data erase from my iPhone 5? - Printable Version

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Why won't the "other" data erase from my iPhone 5? - Kassandra - 03-19-2014 02:31 PM

the other day i realized that my phone had 1.6GB of "other" data and i wanted to know what it was. i looked up a bunch of different things that could be causing it and i've tried everything. i downloaded phoneclean and did a quick and full clean and nothing has changed at all. yesterday i tried deleting all my music, which worked, but once i plugged in my phone to re-sync the music, the other data came back. does anyone know how to fix this? i tried calling the apple store but they wouldn't help me because i never payed the 99$ for apple care, which, in my opinion, is stupid, they should serve me either way. can someone please help?

- 592 - 03-19-2014 02:47 PM

Dude, it's perfectly normal that a phone (or any other device for that matter), doesn't come with a completely free hard drive or flash memory. Where do you think is your operating system stored?
And you're actually pretty well off with 1.6 gb of "other" data.
An iphone 4s 32gb, for instance, has an actual capacity of only 28 something gb.


in case you now think "b.s. man I know that, I mean something entirely different"

check all your apps. Are there any notes or reminders left that may take up some space?
Or maybe some voice memos?

Here's a quote from an apple forum:

Other is "operating system settings and data, Safari cache, Siri cache, downloaded maps, reminders, notes, stocks, weather data, email, texts, imessages, and data for all of the apps on your phone. 1 GB is normal for Other. It can be much larger if you have a lot of apps or have apps that use a lot of data, such as Facebook. If you want to have a small Other don't install any apps, don't use email, don't save texts, don't use maps...but then why would you have an iPhone in the first place? Other is not a problem; it is what the phone is for. There are rare situations where Other is much larger than the data it holds; this is due to data corruption, but when it happens Other may become 5 GB or more. A simple way to check is to restore the phone and reload the backup using iTunes. Once the restore is done, and before you use the phone, check the size of Other. This is the total for all of your data except the exclusions I mentioned."

I usually hate it when people on the internet tell others to use google, but this quote came up as the first result when I googled "iPhone what is other". So I'm not really sure what "bunch of different things" you were looking up. Anyways, yahoo answers wouldn't exist if people stopped asking questions, and rather typed a combination of 26 letters, transformed into ones and zeros, into a search bar.

Hope I could help.