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I have a relationship question...? - Printable Version

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I have a relationship question...? - Alicia - 03-19-2014 07:24 PM

A little history first...

I met this guy at another church in my city that I go to quite frequently 3 years ago. We've only recently became friends and I've developed a crush on him. We subtly flirt with each other, but neither of us have admitted to the other that we like them. We both belong to a youth church group that meets every Sunday and in the beginning of our friendship, he used to come talk to me when he saw that I was leaving. Recently when he was leaving, he came to say bye to me and I initiated a hug from him. I'm glad I did that because now we hug each other whenever we see each other. This youth group only happens once every 2 weeks, so I only get to see him twice a month. I hadn't seen him in awhile and I was talking to a friend of mine who happens to know him and that I like him. While I was talking to her, it came up that I missed him cuz I haven't seen him in awhile. Anyways, so yesterday I happened to see him because we were at the same church event and when we were leaving, he came up to me and asked me for a hug because he hasn't seen me in awhile. I hugged him and he kept playfully teasing me and then we left.

Later, when I was at home, I saw that he was on Facebook and I started off the conversation by teasing him telling him "You missed me..." He's one of those guys who messages back quickly (or maybe it's just to me, I don't know), but he said maybe and I was like "fine, but I missed seeing you too." He then responded and admitted that he had indeed missed me (knew it!). Anyways, after we got over that part of the conversation, I asked him what he'd been up to and he said that he was in the process of making his costume for comic con (my little nerd♥). I was then asking him what he was gonna be and all and he ended up inviting me to go with him. When I finally agreed, he was pleased and I've been on cloud 9 all day...

PS: There's a youth retreat next year that he also invited me to. I kept saying maybe and when I finally said yes, he was happy. I kinda psyched myself out and decided that I wasn't gonna go, but I kinda changed my mind. 2014's looking excited! Smile

Anyways, I guess my question is what do you guys think all of this means? Do you think we have a possible future together? I know he likes me, but I'm not sure what to do about it.
Any help is appreciated...thank youSmile

- Natalie - 03-19-2014 07:25 PM

First, you should clarify if it's a date or if you're just hanging out. If it's a date, YOU GO GIRL! If it's not, then ask him if it could be maybe? Tongue I'm 100% sure he likes you, and since you guys started with the friends first thing (which is good) now you should try dating! From what I read you guys seem to have a good thing going. See where it leads. Smile Good luck