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Sending Myself Flowers? - Printable Version

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Sending Myself Flowers? - Alex - 03-19-2014 08:01 PM

Long story short. I started dating a guy around New Years. We just broke up about a week and a half ago. I dumped him because to be frank he wasn't be genuine aka he was texting his ex and then he started acting distant. If I told you the WHOLE story it'd be 4 long paragraphs deep. He never texted me back after I told him it wasn't working out.

So, bc we just broke up I never got a chance to find someone else for Valentine's Day. I admit I had some feelings for this guy and well I concluded that his silence meant he didn't care, that or pride. I told my sister AND my couple good friends about this whole thing and basically they said what I did was the best decision. I think he was using me. But I still miss him for some reason. Yes I want to make him jealous and think another guy wants me. My sister said to just take a picture of flowers and post them on Facebook as my own, so he thinks a different guy is interested. I honestly shouldn't care about him but I do.

- Timothy Stephens - 03-19-2014 08:08 PM

STOP these silly negative games.ITS OVER so forget him and behave better and like an adult not some child.

- Cat - 03-19-2014 08:21 PM

What happens when we end a relationship is we think of all the "good" things. We really should remember the crappy things so we WON"T go back to him and have to re-live it.
You'll never be able to trust this guy.... why try to get him back? You'll just go through this pain all over again.
Lot's of nice guys out there, I suggest you move on. Valentine's Day will come and go!

- john - 03-19-2014 08:31 PM

You can care all you want.
Truth is though, he didn't care about you, did he?
There's a tendency,especially after a lengthy relationship, to want that same person back(hell,look at half the questions in this section) yet logic tells you that unless the one you miss turns up at your door on his knees begging for another chance, it's not likely to work a second time either is it?