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How do I delete the personal page from my Facebook business page? - Printable Version

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How do I delete the personal page from my Facebook business page? - Ellie - 03-19-2014 08:02 PM

I recently opened a Facebook business page and it also created a personal page that's linked to it. I already have a personal Facebook account and I want to delete the new one so I only have the two. It's really annoying because when I try to go to my business page it always logs me in automatically to the personal one and asks me to do all the setup stuff. Is there a way to get rid of this?

- James - 03-19-2014 08:11 PM

Facebook is not doing well these days, simply do not use them.

- Priynka - 03-19-2014 08:26 PM

Step 1: Create an email...
First, create (or find) a new email account that hasn't been used with any other Facebook profiles or pages. Test the email to make sure it works before proceeding!
Step 2: Create a business account...
Go to How-to Guide to Create a Facebook Fan Page and follow steps 1 through 11 to create a business profile. For now, create a fictitious company (we will delete it later). Then proceed to Step .
Step 3: Before it gets confusing...
Okay, before we get to far ahead, open up two different browsers. It can be IE and Firefox, Chrome and Safari; mix-and-match - you're choice. Log into the personal account with one browser and the business profile with the other.
Step 4: Adding an administrator...
After logging into the personal profile go to the Facebook Page and click Edit Page.