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He won't stop talking crap about me on Twitter? - Printable Version

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He won't stop talking crap about me on Twitter? - Lucy - 03-20-2014 02:56 AM

I haven't talked to my ex in months. I recently found out he's tweeting about me. He's calling me his "crazy ex" he is also mentioning my name in the tweets. Other people are joining him, including his freshman in highschool sister. Calling me a "crazy bitch" and what not. What's even more pathetic is that I haven't done anything to them, I'm just here living my life and minding my own business. I haven't said a word to them. Are they going to far? My mom tells me to call the cops but I see no point in that, I just want them to stop. I want him to just leave me alone and to stop talking crap. What should I do? I'm so mad........he calls himself a "man" also. He's 19 and I'm 18 and I really don't need this crap right now.

- Ricki - 03-20-2014 03:09 AM

I wouldn't bother, the cops aren't going to do anything about someone's tweets.

Anyone who knows you knows what you are really like and he just makes himself look bad with this BS. Believe me, people who know him are wondering what's wrong with him.

- Jacayla - 03-20-2014 03:10 AM

In my opinion it's pretty childish of a "man" to do that. He probably wants you back or makes it seem like you're chasing after him or something. Call the cops or somebody though because that's harassment

- SlippY - 03-20-2014 03:12 AM

That's slander, it's illegal.