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How do I upload pictures from the web into my facebook account? - Printable Version

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How do I upload pictures from the web into my facebook account? - Patrick - 03-20-2014 03:38 AM

Now I haven't posted anything on facebook for years and im looking to go back into it. But I don't want to show my face because im not a face a lot of people whould like. I have a bunch of scars from pimples and they just are not attractive and ive gained a bit of weight. my current fb profile is from years ago.

But I decided im going to start and do something with the pictures. How do I ( just for example ) upload a picture of pizza my fb account for a profile picture? I mean like if I typed in pizza on google, saw a picture I liked could I upload that picture onto facebook as my profile picture? And cover photo?( which I haven't had any cover photos yet ).

I really just want to change my profile picture that I currently have into something else because its so out dated and I look so different. and how can I get a cover photo?

Please leave the info I need. and if I do use pictures from the web will I get in trouble? and how do I use/upload pictures from the web for my facebook. ( Which is really my question )
Will I get in trouble for using pictures from the internet for my profile picture and cover?

- abraXus - 03-20-2014 03:45 AM

you have to download the picture to your phone or computer first, so that when you upload it, facebook can check it to see if you are stealing pictures...

so as long as it's actually a real picture of you, you should have no problems

- Daljeet Kaur - 03-20-2014 03:47 AM

After reading your query, I found that you don't know more about internet.
Follow these steps on how to upload pictures from web :-
-> Firstly there is no direct way to upload pictures directly from web to your facebook account, so have to first download it.
-> steps for downloading are:-
open image-> right click- save image as-(save into anywhere in your pc)
-> open your facebook account, go to edit profile- edit profile picture-upload photo-select the photo
in this way you can set a profile pic
-> for cover pic:-

hover on cover photo area- change-cover-upload pic-select pic
In this way, you can change profile photo and cover photo

- Rowe - 03-20-2014 04:00 AM

You can save the pic to your computer and then upload it to your facebook.
That's takes a little bit effort but it works.

- 745 - 03-20-2014 04:15 AM

Simple download that picture you want to set as your profile picture or cover photo from internet. If you want make picture little bit change, then change. Then directly go to your FB account and upload photo clicking option "Change your picture". And you're set.

Take care about image size and pixel during uploading cover photo, otherwise it won't fit as you want.

- Daniel - 03-20-2014 04:15 AM

Save the Picture That you Want For Facebook than Just Go to Facebook Go to your Photos Section and Add it

and Depends If its Protected By Copyright Or Not If Its Not Than your Good if it is Than i Would Not Recommend Using it Unless you Can Find a Way to Contact Them and Get Permission to Use it if They Find Out That your using There Photo if its Protected By Copyright They Can Make a Complaint To Facebook and They Can Take Action And Delete it and Possibly Block you From Posting photos Or i have Seen Much Worse So Becareful