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How did you get so many friends on Facebook? - Printable Version

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How did you get so many friends on Facebook? - hj55f - 03-20-2014 06:49 AM

I am out of college but want to use Facebook to re-connect w. old acquaintainces. I added about 8 friends so far that I know, but feel weird contacting people/acquaintainces I haven't seen/spoken to in years. Also- I wonder how it seems like everyone on Facebook has 100+ friends (or in this range). I don't think I know that many people from school and am just wondering- if you're one of those people with a lot of friends on Facebook- did you know all of those people personally? or did you e-mail random people from your school?

- 3>lub koalas<3 - 03-20-2014 06:57 AM

they probably added strangers.

- KELLY W - 03-20-2014 07:11 AM

I have lots of friends on facebook and no some people I did not know personally I was jsut asked to be a frined just because or either we were classmates and never spoke. I only have a few friends on facebook that I did hang out with and talk to on a dialy basis. I always accept a friend request no matter who it is. most people just want to be friends b/c of the way I look.

- slkc - 03-20-2014 07:21 AM

I have about 500 friends. I know them all, sometimes I even go through my friends randomly and make sure I can still recognize them and say something about them. If I can't I delete them.

I went to two different colleges, so that is why i know many people. Also every summer I have been in college I have went on some sort of trip or work at a camp with 30-50 other college students. I also a leader on a club on campus that has 600 members. So yes I know all of my friends.

A lot of people I know that are out of college only have like 20-40 friends. I think facebook just hit them a little to late, after they have left the mass socializing of college.

Don't feel weird by contacting people that you haven't talked to in years. We all have this sense of curiosity about what are friends are doing now.