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Are cyber bullying tactics employed by dogmatic Skeptics on Wikipedia? - Printable Version

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Are cyber bullying tactics employed by dogmatic Skeptics on Wikipedia? - A-Atheist - I Just Have One More A Than You - 03-20-2014 10:08 AM

Join Skeptiko host Alex Tsakiris for an interview with social media consultant and Wikipedia cyber bullying victim Rome Viharo
Jessica - of course there are people who edit wikipedia
michael - it seems a little complicated for you

- Arantheal   - 03-20-2014 10:21 AM

The right answer for you is always that skeptics are bad people and bullies and besides look over there don't look at my inability to justify my claims with evidence.

- ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) - 03-20-2014 10:27 AM

Alex Tsakiris produces the pseudoskeptical podcast Skeptiko - Science at the Tipping Point, which, despite its name, advocates various forms of quantum woo, parapsychology and evolutionary teleology. The "tipping point" in the podcast's subtitle is intended to claim that science is on the point of a paradigm shift away from materialism.

- wushuboy001 - 03-20-2014 10:42 AM

Chances are yes. Welcome to the internet.

- NDMA - 03-20-2014 10:43 AM

Wikipedia is a joke - he who has more numbers or is better organized gets to control the truth.

You know, that might be a fun thing to do.. Set up a completely fictitious group, perhaps 10 or 15 people running a WWW server who can set up phony web sites to act as sources and see how easy it would be to add this group along with a completely fictitious history onto wikipedia and see what happens and how it evolves.

Oh, apparently it has been done -- quite a few times:

- Michael - 03-20-2014 10:51 AM

Nah, Wikipedia merely noted a delineation point when some scientists like Rupert Sheldrake stopped talking about science and started going on about parapsychology and morphic resonances-which sound sciency but are actually to do with ghosts and magic powers!

This annoyed Rome Viharo who wanted to redefine someone who gets skeptical when you talk about ghosts and magic powers as some kind of religious fundementalist-which is stupid!

- 80s Face - 03-20-2014 11:02 AM

I know how he feels. I was also antagonized by the admins at Conservapedia when I tried to correct their article regarding New Age theories, geocentrism, George Soros, etc. Luckily, we can make our own wikis, where we won't be persecuted by THE MAN.