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I think he's interested(signs)? but he's cooler than me? - Printable Version

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I think he's interested(signs)? but he's cooler than me? - Crystal Unclear - 03-20-2014 06:30 PM

So there's this guy, I find him quite cute and he's been showing signs of being interested!

To make this short, I'll list the stuff he has done. Tongue

-He has randomly come next to me and started a conversation with me twice while I was walking in the corridor.

-Today I was eating, looked up and he was glancing at me, then looked somewhere else. He has done this a few times. Once I even held the stare and he held it , and I laughed and said 'What?' and he just laughed and said 'Nothing'.

-I was sitting with a friend. He sits facing away from me on the opposite table. As I was looking at my friend, I see him turn around and then turn away!

-I was in the library yesterday and him and his friend decide to sit on the table right behind me, on the two seats right behind me (literally I was touching arms with the guy I like but we were facing opposite directions.) Suddenly, I get tapped on the shoulder, I turn around and the guy I like says 'It was him' and then the other guy says 'Dude, it was you' and they laughed.

-He has liked my Facebook profile pictures.

-His 2 close friends also sort of look at me too which is weird.

-Once, I went to the football field with a friend and the guy I like and his friend were both there. One of my classmates were there with them so I asked , 'Where's (persons name)?' then he says 'I don't know'. Then the guy I like jokingly says 'He's here' and puts his hand in his pocket, pretending to take something out Tongue When I walked past them, they literally followed me with with their eyes.

-I came out of the library and I noticed him ahead of me and we both looked at each other. Then as I walked up the stairs, I notice in the corner of my eye that he is looking at me. I turn around because my friend is there and I notice he looks at me then looks away.

-Once I was walking to lesson and I notice him and his class lined up against the wall. As I walk past the class, the guy I like blocks y way then gets out of the way , for no reason. Tongue

What do you think?

- Allan - 03-20-2014 06:40 PM

yes he seems interested