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how do i add poke on my facebook profile? - Printable Version

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how do i add poke on my facebook profile? - glitterhitter112 - 03-21-2014 01:49 AM

how do i add poke to my facebook profile?

- Cat - 03-21-2014 01:59 AM

you already have poke, but if you want to add something more advanced like superpoke, add it from someone elses profile who has the app

- Clara - 03-21-2014 02:00 AM

Poke is on everyone's facebook profile. In order to get it you need to go to someone else's profile and under their profile picture it should say "poke". If you poke them they will probably poke you back. When someone pokes you it will appear towards the middle of your homepage, not on your profile.


- Hannah - 03-21-2014 02:14 AM

It's already there on your profile but only your friends can see it so only they can poke you (you can't poke yourself). To poke someone just go to their profile page and beneath their profile pic will be the option "poke ___" along with chat and send a message.

- 647 - 03-21-2014 02:20 AM

Poke is available to everyone with Facebook account. Go to your friend's profile and poke him/her!