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Are their any laws prohibiting a step parent from pain pictures of my children on social media? - Printable Version

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Are their any laws prohibiting a step parent from pain pictures of my children on social media? - Kirstina R - 03-21-2014 03:15 AM

I have a step mother to my daughter's that over steps her bounds and posts pictures, comments & such on social media constantly claiming the children as hers. Are their laws that prohibit this with out my permission?

- Amber - 03-21-2014 03:30 AM

No there are no laws against that.

- The Great Quizoo - 03-21-2014 03:39 AM

No. Your husband has every right to allow her to do whatever he wants.

- Corey - 03-21-2014 03:41 AM

yea...not sure about any laws but there are ways to get her to shut up....

- Corey - 03-21-2014 03:44 AM

No, especially if their father is OK with it. Even those social networking sites won't take them down if her other parent is OK with it. You would need something in your custody agreement to define social networking.

- jusjokin12 - 03-21-2014 03:56 AM

Wow that is nice that a step mother is so accepting of your child. What a wonderful thing. As long as she is not posting anything questionable or bad no there is nothing wrong with it. You do realize that most of us post things to our sites that only family members can see and no one else does right? We put private blocks on pictures, video and etc. so only those we want to see it does. I am sure she probably has also but if you want to make sure just Google her site without logging on an see what comes up or check with someone who is not on her friends list to see what comes up than you will no. If you than have an issue ask her politely to block that content for only family members can see. Kids just love having a big family as it means more attention is given them and more gifts during those special times of the yr.