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Is this coincidence, stalking or am i over thinking? - Printable Version

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Is this coincidence, stalking or am i over thinking? - Susan - 03-21-2014 04:23 AM

I told my crush ii had feelings for him through facebook messageing because he is in another country.

He never responded, so i assumed thats a reject and he is not interested at all anymore.

so i tried to move on and forget about the sitation, but two of his friends added me on facebook.. who i dont really know all that great but i accepted them anyways.

i decided to delete facebook because i just need to move on from all this drama and start fresh..

so i got on another Social media website and his friend follwed me again and then commented on one of my pictures droping my crushes name.. for and example: "OH do you remember when me and (my crushname ) blah blah"

i politely replied being nonchalaunt. then his friend started complimenting me and hitting on me...

my question is... is this all a coiencidence or is there any correlation on going here??

Please answer i need insight on this.

- whatever - 03-21-2014 04:25 AM

I've had a few crushes on guy foreign men over the internet. From my experience, i'd say you're crush is not interested in you and he's trying to pawn you off on one of his friends.

To avoid all the drama, just block all three of them on Facebook. They would still be able to message you if i'm correct but at least they can't view your profile.

- Pink_Diamond - 03-21-2014 04:26 AM

Don't assume anything and never take any action on any assumptions you have.

If he likes you, he doesn't has to send his friends to you.
And you should never add someone who you don't know personally.
Esp. on Facebook and Twitter and any other site which requires your personal information such as your real name, photo, phone number e.t.c..

Even I can't assume what's this all about.
I could say that his friend likes you, I could say your crush is doing a test on you and I could say your crush is an insecure fellow who couldn't express his feelings boldly.
But since I don't know it for 100%, I shouldn't believe on what I am thinking.

All I can say is that if you have hardly, if ever, hung out with them or have never met them in person, don't trust them.
Just focus on moving on from your crush.

You did what you had to do.
You told him you like him.
Now it's up to your crush to decide if he wants to accept it or not.
If he hasn't given a proper answer, forget him.

Never get into high expectations with people you are not close with.
Take care.