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My girlfriend makes me feel like the third wheel? - Printable Version

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My girlfriend makes me feel like the third wheel? - toby - 03-21-2014 08:26 AM

So me and my girlfriend have been going out for almost 3 weeks now, not too long, I know. But we've really connected during these three weeks.
She hit me up on social media over winter break, we started texting a bit and when school started I decided to ask her if she wanted to hang out. After about 3 of these "dates" I went in for the kiss, she denied it and walked off only to text me saying she wanted me to ask her out.
So I did, and it's been great, until we started hanging out with friends.
There's just always this awkward aura in the air, and I don't talk a lot. She, on the other hand, does talk a lot, but not with me.
It results in me feeling awkward, and the friend usually comes to me asking if we're okay. Later on I usually ask my girlfriend, who then replies that she didn't know, and then starts feeling bad about the whole thing.
For me right now, it's just this bad gut feelings about the whole thing, when we're alone I feel amazing, I know she does too. But whenever we hang out with a mutual friend, I want to break up with her straight away.
What do I do?

ps, yesterday when we were texting, she asked about some girl that was snapchatting me, and I replied that it was just a friend and she shouldn't worry about it. She replied with a simple "K." and we haven't texted since.

- Elexus - 03-21-2014 08:29 AM

Hmmm. This is weird. She likes u, of course. Try not to hang out with her friends too (or your mutual friends) or just start being in the conversation

- Troy - 03-21-2014 08:44 AM

oh god man i felt this same thing btw bare with me my camma symbol broke on my keypad so i'll use . instead ok. Listen i had this same issue here im shy and quiet and my girlfriend was all chatty and i just wanted to shout at her and end it... but i didn't and im glad for that

Bro i think it's inner jealousy weither it be over your girlfriend talking to another so much or you being to quiet and your mind is blaming her. So i had the same issues what i did is i told her I felt really sad when we were with others because i felt like a 3rd wheel.
She understood and made more time for me.
however! she still talked to her friends but she still talked to me more she tried and that meant alot
We can't make her not talk to her friends can we? it's not fair or right

Trust me i don't think you wanna break up with her especially over something like this
My girlfriend and I had alot of fights because i felt this way and I took it out on her...
however she forgave me and i got over my issues and now we're golden over 2 years together

- Amina - 03-21-2014 08:49 AM

I think she doesn't mean to ! although it's all about how you feel, if you feel comfortable around her and you trust her then she probably doesn't mean anything but if she always treats you like that, friends or not then she is playing you AND if she tells you everything, she trusts you, well she loves you and don't break'up with her. or you can also talk it through, just be confident and join the conversation when you all are talking Wink

- 523 - 03-21-2014 08:52 AM

I think she's annoyed with you about snapchatting another girl, I suggest you showing her (if possible) the pictures you send each other just to show that she has no reason not to trust you. Relationships are based on trust. Anyway I'd tell her how you feel, if you have connected as much as you said you have she will understand.

- Hopeless Romantic - 03-21-2014 08:59 AM

Make more effort to get to know her friends. Girls like it when guys do that.