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What do Asian guys generally think of white girls? - Printable Version

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What do Asian guys generally think of white girls? - Mrs. Elric - 03-21-2014 11:12 AM

I have a lot of Korean, Taiwanese, and Japanese friends(my family hosts them throughout the summertime) they all seem to be very fond of us, they always ask to have pictures of me and all of my white friends(it makes ne so happy!) but recently my World History teacher told us that Asians typically are not attracted to European and white American girls at all, because we are generally taller, hairier, and have deeper voices than Asian woman. This really disappointed me because I felt really happy when my friends from there were so kind and had very nice things to say about my looks! I typically find Asian men attractive too, and there are good looking guys every where clearly! HahaSmile But then again, if they are coming to America they do have interest in America already... So, what do Asian men generally think of white girls?
Haha hairier in most ways.. But specifically arm and leg hair, underarm hair lol

- 683 - 03-21-2014 11:15 AM

I like them, just like any other race.

Many beautiful and attractive white girls where I live.

Lol hairier in what way? White girls are just like Asian girls, some are nice, some are not, some have beautiful traits, others don't etc.

Lol really? I can't believe you admitted that or you are acknowledging that... Usually I would think it doesn't matter what race but never knew white girls are hairier than Asian girls...

Its usually the other way round because Asian guys dating non-Asian girls is not common especially compared to Asian girls and non-Asian guys, but that's a whole different story.

The reason why Asian guys don't think white girls are into them its due to the stereotypes of Asian guys are portrayed in Hollywood, you know, unattractive, asexual, nerds etc. Not all Asians are like that of course but you know, it could go both ways regarding your problem, an Asian guy you may like may feel you wouldn't like him because his Asian so he wouldn't be interested in asking you out.

Join Facebook groups regarding AM/WM. That may help you out.

- Darryl Austen - 03-21-2014 11:28 AM

Most men like white women. Make no mistake.