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Why should you buy facebook stocks? - Printable Version

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Why should you buy facebook stocks? - Yashema - 03-21-2014 12:44 PM

I have to do this report on facebook stocks and why shold people buy it but i need help so what do you think people should but it

- Doireann - 03-21-2014 12:48 PM

Because Facebook is really rich and it keeps going up so they're making a lot of money

- Jordan - 03-21-2014 01:02 PM

No, not at all. In fact, I'm going to short the stock (allows an investor to make money when the stock price drops). It will probably go up for a couple of days due to the hype. When that wears off, then I will enter my short positions.

They can't sustain the growth. They already have 1 billion users, and pretty much everyone who wants a Facebook account already has one. There are also a lot of people cancelling theirs -- teens and kids whose parents will no longer allow them to have one, and adults who are sick and tired of all the advertisements, as well as the spyware, malware, viruses, and worms that they get from the "games" on Facebook. Not to mention the misuse of personal information that these apps collect.

- Clara - 03-21-2014 01:05 PM

the answer is that nobody knows and it depends on how the company is valued. I suspect that at any IPO price there will be a ton of demand for the stock on Day 1 from a whole bunch of people who want to buy at any price. I think if the stock opened at 10, there are people who would buy it at 200 and if you told them that meant that FB was a $2T company they wouldn't even know what that meant and they would still want to buy shares. I expect this to be nutty for awhile.

Anyway, let's read the financials and then make a decision. FB should be filing financials shortly.