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I need some sex and/or girlfriend badly? - Printable Version

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I need some sex and/or girlfriend badly? - ffd - 03-22-2014 01:41 AM

I am 19 year old and have 0 girl friends. It is not there is some problem with me, it is the sick indian culture.

Every time, I feel sexual desire I just masturbate, watch porn....but sometime this is not enough...I want real body and brain needs it. I don't believe in going to sluts partly because of STD and partly because I don't feel it right.

Sometime, I read stories of young teens much younger than me having sex and very jealous with them. I am really frustated.

Few month ago, I signed up for a paid subscription at cupid dating site but I end up finding only hookers there. Most of those profiles were fake or hookers.

Sometime, I thought of getting married earlier...atleast I can get some sex or a girl but it is still far.

P.S. If you are a girl and interested in becoming my friend please leave your e-mail or facebook id. Well, I am not a pervert but I really sad about it. So, I am posting this.

- Serial Killer - 03-22-2014 01:54 AM

Go after drunk chicks or hire a high priced escort dude.

- Vartika - 03-22-2014 02:11 AM

You seem to be desperate ..s## is necessary but dont let it contol your mind. Its not good

- Aaron - 03-22-2014 02:20 AM

Sounds like a virgin to me, you should just get a hooker or stop being a pussy. Get those STDs, hell it only takes 2 wks for it to clear up...

- DK - 03-22-2014 02:33 AM are so desperate