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Can I sue for defamation? - Printable Version

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Can I sue for defamation? - Beachvbal07 - 03-22-2014 02:53 AM

There are these two girls that I know. One of them has called me a mean and rude person on social media (did not mention my name though).
Also, both laugh at me whenever I talk or speak.
I have anxiety and this makes me feel bad about myself and what they are doing fits into defamation, cyber bullying and harassment.
I am considering suing to get her to stop.
It has gone to far.
Would I be able to sue for these reasons?

- Mel - 03-22-2014 02:58 AM

Go to a different social or have them blocked, You could also report them, In order to sue they would have to put your name out there and say or do something that wasn't true to tarnish your reputation.

- TedEx - 03-22-2014 03:14 AM

You don't have clue what it means " to sue."
And quit using anxiety as an excuse!