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My account keeps sending spam and virus links! I've tried everything! What do I do? - Printable Version

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My account keeps sending spam and virus links! I've tried everything! What do I do? - Nina J - 03-22-2014 03:16 AM

I've changed my password several times. I dont open emails from addresses I don't know. I've disconnected the link to my Facebook. The only places I log in are my home computer and my phone. There are no emails in my Sent folder that I dont recognize but my Spam folder is full of Delivery Failure emails to addresses that I don't recognize. I run Advanced System Care and Windows Security Essentials once a week. What else can I do??

- SMT - 03-22-2014 03:17 AM

Well u didn't detail abt which email u use, gmail,hotmail,yahoo etc. Well just find the panel on yr email service provider their would be an option "connected services" their u'll see wht services yr account is using, now their u can disconnect yr account from any service you want, may be it would be useful, or another reason may be to click unknown url on a website, check yr windows firewall as well.

- Sharon - 03-22-2014 03:28 AM

Do a virus and a malware scan. Your computer may be infected with something.