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What do u do when everything is starting to change? - Printable Version

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What do u do when everything is starting to change? - Jillian - 03-22-2014 05:03 AM

I'm 13 and becoming more like active with my txt's and on insta and it's all new and kinda scary I mean many ppl on insta r telling me horrible stories about bullying or how kids my age should hav sex also my friend who is in hi school I accidentally txt'd a few of her contacts and like 2 of the dude sorted hitting on me it made me feel weird and uncomfortable pls help I'm srry Wink

- Sophie - 03-22-2014 05:18 AM

Don't do it. Social media is not mandatory......You will survive.

- Amanda - 03-22-2014 05:21 AM

If you feel uncomfortable about anything, speak up your mind, don't stay quite. You will begin to go through many changes in your life. Having a social media life is not a requirement to survive your teens. Talk to your mom and dad, even if it sounds corny, they will be always your best friends and best advice, even if they don't let you do everything you want.
BTW, boys at this age, well they are kinda sort of pigs, not all of them. Just be smart Smile