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How do I know this girl is not a Fake? - Printable Version

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How do I know this girl is not a Fake? - Joseph - 03-22-2014 05:57 AM

OK I recently had a Woman send me a friend request on Facebook Interested in Dating me, I really don't know if she is real or a Dang Scammer, I have been talking to her though, but most of the time her words are a little messed up, just in one week she has been telling me I love you, you are the right man for me, she said she liked my Profile, said it was Interesting but I told her I'm not an Interesting Person I'm just a Regular Guy who doesn't have anything Special in his life, who is just a High School Graduate, She is 31, I'm 26, so I would like some answers as to what I can do or say to find out she is Real or Not??, she has a Job, she said she is in Nigeria Africa for a Business Trip as well, she does sound nice but I am Cautious about all this, so any help would be Great?
She did send me Some Pics, she had friends with her when she took em, sent them to me, she did say she lost her Parents in a Car accident, she only has 3 male friends on her profile, she keeps telling me things will work out for the 2 of us, but I still refuse to Believe it.
Also I sent her 2 or 3 of my pictures to, she even asked me about Finances and all that shit, I told her I don't wanna discuss that Info right now, don't worry I didn't give her any bank Information.
I forgot to add that she is White not Black, I'm not being racsist I'm just letting you guys know so that way I can get some good answers.

- Crystal - 03-22-2014 06:04 AM

Its most likely a Facebook SCAM!!! And If there out of the country its not a good idea...... Sad

- justme - 03-22-2014 06:08 AM

Yeah! I get them all the time. Let me tell you, in reality 'she' is most likely a 'he' working his computer in a little shack with a group of other 'lovely Nigerian ladies' offer 'her' encouragement, and in a few days you will get a sob story about being robbed or a sudden death in the family, and she urgently needs a short-term loan to sort it out. Or she will invite you over to visit her ("She' will, by now, have sent you a beautiful photo of 'herself') then she will offer to get your airline tickets from her end --They will be much cheaper that way. Just send her a bank cheque to cover the payment.
You getting the picture?

- Kittysue - 03-22-2014 06:15 AM

She's fake. Period. Real women don't message random men and say they want to meet them
The US State Department has a warning against Americans travelling to Nigeria so she would not be there for business
No real woman tells a man she has never even met in person that she loves them - scammers always work way too fast

And look at her profile - it's very easy to tell a fake profile
A real girl will have mainly female friends and will have hundreds of them. A fake girl would have mainly male friends
A real girl who is 31 will have had a Facebook profile for at least 5 years - a fake created their profile in the past year
A real girl will be tagged in more pictures posted by their friends than she has posted of herself. If she only has pictures of herself but is not tagged in any pictures by her friends, she's fake
A real girl will have friends posting things on her wall all the time - a scammer only posts things herself or has men commenting on her pictures

Want to prove it's a scam - write back to say that you just found out on Facebook that a guy you grew up with is now one of the Marine Guards at the US Embassy in Nigeria. Say that he just was deployed there 3 weeks ago and doesn't know anyone so you want them to meet. Ask for her phone number and say that your friend will be calling her to invite her to a party at the Embassy. Then wait for the excuses