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What is the point of a secret society? - Printable Version

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What is the point of a secret society? - Atticus - 03-22-2014 08:15 AM

- Eric - 03-22-2014 08:17 AM

Because those cowards are only a majority compared to other class labels. The elite need to conspire their plots for world domination in private because all the other minorities outnumber them when they are banded together. Divide and conquer. That is why minorities need to stick together.

- GeorgieGuy - 03-22-2014 08:19 AM

Hi Atticus..
We humans have evolved successfully through a process of cooperation in groups. We're social animals who cope best with things through interaction with others. The persistence of secret societies and other tribal-like systems provides us with a way of affiliating with those who share traits with us. We gain an increased ability to define ourselves through in-group solidarity which includes excluding the "other." All manner of organizations.. [sports teams, fraternities, sororities, clubs, religions, interest groups, etc.] represent ways we can gain a sense of belonging and personal identity. Even social media reflect this felt need to affiliate with others. Regards.