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Do I wait around for him? Or move on? - Printable Version

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Do I wait around for him? Or move on? - Ivy - 03-22-2014 09:32 AM

I went on a date with this guy 2weeks ago He took me out to the movies and dinner. Since then his spoken to me on Facebook messages.
But he hasn't said anything about meeting up again.
Or hasn't called me

Is he not interested?

- Kelly Tolar - 03-22-2014 09:45 AM

I personally feel an interested guy would call atleast by the 3rd day.
Plus, if he wanted to go out, you probably would have had arrangements to do so already.
Since you are "just dating" you really need to add to your circle of dates.

Right now, add another gentleman to date.
Do not wait for a person to "make plans" with you.
You make your own plans.

The right guy will take you off the dating market.

~ Best wishes!

- Paige Nicole - 03-22-2014 09:54 AM

Move on, personal experience.

- jamie - 03-22-2014 10:06 AM

Well if you went on a date with him and he took you to the movies and dinner that sounds like he is interested in you! Maybe message/text him and ask him to hangout again? He may think you are the one not interested because you aren't messaging/calling him either! Just ask him, you'll be fine Smile

- Waterdragon - 03-22-2014 10:14 AM

move on ---- first if he was really interested he would have chosen something better than the movies and if he was interested he would have asked you for a second date the night of the first