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Should I get revenge on my teacher? - Printable Version

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Should I get revenge on my teacher? - Tom Riddle - 03-22-2014 07:38 PM

I'm now on my 2nd year of college. 3 years ago when I was in highschool, a teacher sent me to the guidance office while I was playing the 'public' piano in the chapel. It was open, public. He told the guidance people that I was tryna break the piano. As an average piano player myself, I was insulted by their mockery, asking me if I knew what keys were and what the g-clef meant. Now that I've graduated, I still can't forget that moment.

This afternoon, that teacher accidentally 'shared' a celebrity porn link in his facebook account. I screenshot-ed it before he even deleted it. Should I share the picture and tag him? And even put 'is this what you teach your students?'.

- Artemisc - 03-22-2014 07:40 PM

Grow up and get over it.

- Yoshe - 03-22-2014 07:42 PM

this is a tough one. Was he otherwise a "good" teacher? Either way, as a teacher myself I am very careful what I post on fb. It wasn't child porn. . .so I don't think you can incriminate him.
I suggest you just leave it. The teacher realized himself that it was wrong and erased it. I think such revenge could sometimes come back to haunt the revenger. If you want the best revenge. . .invite him to a piano concert you are doing so he can see that you actually can play the piano. If there is no concert, pay a visit to the school and confront him about that day and ask to play for him. He may even apologize to you.

- Martin - 03-22-2014 07:58 PM

Hahaha.. Maaan, if I had that kind of evidence, I'd do it. Give him hell.

But hey, we need more nice people in this world. Let it go man. At least from that experience, you know what you're worth. Your better than that. Let him drown in his own poison.

- Mike S - 03-22-2014 08:01 PM

You mentioned that the piano was in the chapel. With that in mind, you have just one question: What would Jesus do?

- Jacek P - 03-22-2014 08:03 PM

If you do not like this fella then what were you doing on his facebook page? Accidental porn link will not get anyone in trouble but trying to make a deal out of it will reveal a lot about your character.

- SUN - 03-22-2014 08:16 PM

Yes i think it's happy for me.

- P. - 03-22-2014 08:18 PM

REALLY? Three years later and you're still thinking about this? I would think by now in college, you'd have better things to worry about. Getting back over an incident from that long ago is trite and childish. And that celebrity porn site might just have manifested itself through a computer virus. Do you want to get wrapped up in ruining someone's reputation for something he might have had no control over? Put this revenge idea to rest and grow up a little.

- Todd Blone - 03-22-2014 08:26 PM

No, forget about getting revenge. It's a waste of time to pursue revenge. Even when a teacher is a complete assshole, trying to get revenge on him (or her) is not a good idea. Obviously your former teacher is in fact a complete assshole, but if you try to get revenge it will just waste your time and energy.
Just move on, dude.