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How do I flirt with her?? - Printable Version

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How do I flirt with her?? - Daniel - 03-23-2014 01:04 AM

So we're in middle school ad I told her I like her and the day later she broke up with her bf ad then she started talkin to me on Facebook and smiling at me during school?how should I flirt with her because I don't have a snapchat and we don't have classes together.i think she like me but I'm not sure. How should I flirt with her to see if she does

- Fluffernutter - 03-23-2014 01:20 AM

Tell her she is beautiful whenever you have the chance. Compliment her a lot.

Good luck!

- 374 - 03-23-2014 01:26 AM

Oh my, I needed that! thanks for the laugh! hahahahahahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!

- Allie - 03-23-2014 01:31 AM

I think it's really cute when guys tease me just a lil bit not to much or just do silly things that make me laugh . Its definitely a sign she could be interested if she laughs and smiles a lot but just be silly and fun and it will get you a step closer every time I promise .. Plus smile at her a lot Smile

- Naya - 03-23-2014 01:43 AM

Girls, especially our age, love when a guy can make them laugh. So every chance you get tell a funny joke or if you pass her in the hall make a funny face. I think she probably likes you, but you should be a gentleman and wait at least a week before asking her out. Girls also like when you have manners and things like that. After school, like after you go to your locker to get your things, meet up with her and walk her outside. Sometime to hang out with her and possibly her friends as well. It might not sound so pleasant to hang around a bunch of girls, but at least they see you as a good guy, so if she asks they're opinion on you, they give you a thumbs up.