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How does a free website such as facebook actually make money? - Printable Version

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How does a free website such as facebook actually make money? - stando - 03-23-2014 03:46 AM

- Joe - 03-23-2014 04:01 AM

Companies pay to advertise on their high-traffic website.

- jntc - 03-23-2014 04:09 AM

They make money by advertising. Not sure if they are a publicly traded co. or anything, but it's probably mostly the advertising.

- Sammi Wowza - 03-23-2014 04:19 AM

Unsurprisingly, Facebook makes most of their money off of advertising
Facebook offers two types of advertisements: self-service ads and engagement ads. The first type are fairly simple: they consist of a title, picture, and a bit of text, and the user can click the link or "like" the advertisement. Engagement ads are more complex; they allow for things like surveys that let the user interact with the advertisement.

Facebook also displays a large number of Microsoft ads (due to a 2007 ad deal); as of 2009, that spending had reached $50 million

also with apps and facebook gifts Smile hope i helped!