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i talked behind my friend's back and she found out, what do i do? - Printable Version

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i talked behind my friend's back and she found out, what do i do? - shay - 03-23-2014 04:15 AM

So i was chatting with my crush and we started talking about my friend. We went out the day before all 3 of us and he felt like she was bored and it was his fault. I said it's ok and that she is easily bored and other not so good stuff about her to make him feel better.Also i told him that we almost lost the movie tickets. Also that she felt like a 3rd wheel. Then my friend went on my account and read through the chat,she says she wanted to see something else, not the chat between me and him, but she saw it by accident. She saw her name there and read through it. Now she is pissed at me. She says we have been friends for so long and now u betray me for a guy u have known for a month ? He doesn't care for u. She said she doesn't want to talk to me anymore or see me. She said go out with him and why do u tell him stuff u know i don't want u to tell him. She is like - Why is he so important to u? I cant trust u anymore, i will never go out with u again.
So now she doesn't answer her phone or my messages. i feel like crap, i'm really guilty, she is so right, we have been fighting a lot lately with her, it is not the first time i talk about her tbh, i had no idea she will go on my account. she has the right to be angry i know. i know i'm a bad friend. i bought her gifts but she doesn't want to see me so she probably won't accept can i make her forgive me. ( i know its hard to forgive such a thing) but i cant just forget her and move on she is very important to me and we have been friends for ages. What do i do ? please help!

- Gaol - 03-23-2014 04:17 AM

Say in ten months il have a new guy and I will tell him too so get over it you talk about me plzzzz

- Faith - 03-23-2014 04:18 AM

Oh you not a good friend.but things happen when trying to impress so who is more important to you him or her. If her I'd say appologise to ya friend. And stop tell things about her. Coz your male friend can see tht you telling coz you like him. And he will laugh @ you when his done with u. Good luck

- Siddhant Dubey - 03-23-2014 04:23 AM

well once even i talked behind my friends back for a girl kind of the way you did and that girl eventually became my gf so be became more angry and then i didn't even want to be her bf and he is not talking to me. it has been like 3 years. so it depends on how your friend is. because some friends accept apology and some dont even after a hundred tries like mine. so try following this steps---->FIRST you need to actually need to feel sorry deep inside and understand your mistakes. Then vow not to repeat them. You need to make sure you understand how important that relationship is for you only then can you act to improve upon it. You can't again disrespect your friend and at the same time plan to gain his trust back. You have to genuinely act in a manner which would gain you the trust back.......SECOND be patient..........THIRD In order to gain the trust back, you need to make real sacrifices. Like canceling something that you wanted out of consideration for the other person. Let your friend get a feeling that you are all for him/her, but make sure you don’t mention that it was for her that you sacrificed your wishes. Doing so may have a counter effect and undo all the process made. You need to let go of other temptations in your life........FOURTH Now that someone has lost trust in you, you need to think about how you lost that trust, where you went wrong, and how to earn back their trust. Was this a one time incident or a pattern or let downs. You may need to allow time to "cool off" before going forward. Be prepared to have all your defenses down. If you go in angry and frustrated, you will not succeed and will probably make things worse.............FIFTH surprise her frequently with some expensive gifts or something she really loves it doesn't matter if she doesn't accept them just give it to her in a unusual way. and keep on surprising her.........SIXTH surrender your privacy Give them access to all your e-mail and Facebook accounts and show them your call history on your cell phone. Show them you have nothing to hide and aren't doing anything behind their back...........SEVENTH apologize even if she doesn't care send her apology letters and make her feel that you are guilty!!!.........EIGHTH Give HER time. Sometimes the person just needs some space or time to see for themselves that you understand what you did wrong, and have adjusted your behavior to prevent the same thing from happening again. It takes time for people to see that you have altered your behavior. AND IF SHE ACCEPTS THE APOLOGY AND FORGIVES YOUR MISTAKES.... YOU ARE DONE!!!!!!!!! i hope this helps too long though..Big GrinD>>>

- Ann-Marie - 03-23-2014 04:39 AM

I personally wouldn't let a male come between the friendship but it was bad that you spoke about your friend behind her back , you have to apologise to her and never do it again.