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Can I instagram on Blackberry? - Printable Version

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Can I instagram on Blackberry? - Kelsey - 03-23-2014 04:50 AM

I have a galaxy prevail b its slow n I loove instagram but want a blackberry. I loove the look n everyones telling me its a good messaging phone is it? N can I instagram?

- Tatl - 03-23-2014 04:58 AM

I'm sorry, but it is illegal to Instagram if you cannot type the English language. I wish you luck on the rest of your endeavors.

- Tael - 03-23-2014 05:08 AM

Normally you would be able to, but since you are a bit of a special case, you can't.

You see, if you had just bought a Blackberry first, you would be able to use instagram on it. But since you have another phone right now, that phone is bound to become jealous of your Blackberry and will doubtless sabotage instagram. This is especially true of the Galaxy Prevail. It is notorious for being jealous. Sad