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Why is iPhone 5 not sending texts to one person? - Printable Version

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Why is iPhone 5 not sending texts to one person? - Max - 03-23-2014 06:47 AM

My friend's iPhone has stopped sending text messages to one of his contacts, but still works fine with everybody else.

It was all working fine, then he sent an MMS (which never arrived), and after that, all SMS messages fail. Sounds like the attempted MMS has blocked everything after it.

He never had any problems texting this contact previously, and again, he is still able to SMS everybody else in his phonebook. Just not this one contact.

Anybody got any suggestions?

He's turned it on and off, removed and replaced SIM card, gone into flight mode and back out, connected to wifi, tried again in different locations with varying quality signal, and deleted the failed MMS from the conversation. All of these had no impact on the problem.

Help much appreciated!

- Murzy - 03-23-2014 06:58 AM

try typing the number manually and see if it makes a difference

- ~christianrocks! - 03-23-2014 07:00 AM

Hi, sorry to hear about your friend's issue! The problem is on the recipient's end. So, unfortunately there is nothing your friend can do. I'd suggest contacting the contact through other means(Face to face, facebook, twitter, email,etc.). Hope this answers your question! Smile