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no more facebook.. :( ??? - Printable Version

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no more facebook.. :( ??? - Jessi - 03-23-2014 07:07 AM

Hey guys, i will try to make this long story short.. I just moved to another city, i am 15. I lived in the previous one(paris) for 5 years. Im used to always moving and changing schools. But In Paris, iwas actually happy. I made friends in my new high school, i had allot of friends there, from my elementary school, and middle school.. Anyways well The school i went to was GV High school, i loved it! I had the best friends everrrr , i loved the way of teaching they had in that school.. Anyways, i met a guy, barely knew him but we had a connection! I've neever felt like that, even though i didint know him that much i like him a lot. Its been 2 months since my move. I feel depressed, alone and so sad. I just feel like i could've known him, couldve loved him or had something with him.. but now it's too late. Till this day i feel the same way.. I have no friends here in the school, even tho its been 2 months.People are rude. And i came in the middle of the year , wich is harder to make friends.. I had a life in paris, i was popular, chased by everyone to be my friend. Now i feel hopeless. My mom thnks its my fault i dont have friends because im not trying enough.. She wants me to chase people witch i completely REFUSE to do. In school at lunch i sit in the bathrooms. I wish someone can give me advice.. I feel it's over.. That part of happiness you get as a teenager. I miss his face,seeing it everyday.. i dont feel like that to anyone else. I miss loving school and the drama .. now i wake up everyday wishing i would get hit by a bus on my way there. I took off facebook , everytime i go on it i see my friends moving on and being happy. im such a sad person, i pity myself.

Please, dont be rude i just dont know who to speak to or ask advice to..

- Toad - 03-23-2014 07:11 AM

You should ask this is another category

-  - 03-23-2014 07:15 AM

How does this relate to the social media site Facebook? Go ask this in another board.

- Yahoo noob - 03-23-2014 07:27 AM

I am 13 and I recently moved from a school system with the same people I had been with sinse Kindergarten. I have a few friends here, but not as many as I used to. KEEP IN CONTACT WITH PEOPLE FROM PARIS. IT WILL HELP A LOT! I made friends by just sitting by some random kid on the bus and expanded from their. Try it. It will probably make your life less depressing. You can't just wait for people to come you or you will be lonely your whole life.