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How do I stop being an overly obsessive fan? - Printable Version

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How do I stop being an overly obsessive fan? - Shannon - 03-23-2014 07:19 AM

Ok don't pick on me I know its weird but I have a giant obsession with adam young from owl city! Im not a creepy person and I tend to be pretty rational and logical and dont usually let things control me but I know this is getting way too serious :/ hearing his name is like drinking 3 cups of coffee im wide awake and hyper and I get super happy and weird and ive actually cried before. I spent a few years not evwn being able to talk about him purely because it made me too upset and no one wanted to be on the recieving end. Every moment of my life feels like its based around him which I hate because im actually a very independent person and I hate to follow. My natural thought track just brings up stupid unimportant things to do with him al the time and that actually sucks because I know its probably creepy but thinking about him physically hurts ... so im actually sick of being such a weirdo!!

- Harvey - 03-23-2014 07:26 AM

Right i can understand how you feel, everyone has a fan craze deep down, some more, some less, but I wouldn't be to worried. If you are though i'd just say to ease of it very slowly, and focus on getting through it one day at a time!

- bernadette - 03-23-2014 07:39 AM

I've been there and come out and oh my gosh is it hard. The only way you're going to be able to do it is if you discipline your mind. Take all your pictures/videos you have of him saved on your computer and put them in a file then bury that file within layer upon layer of files so it takes the extra effort to see him. If you follow anyone on tumblr/facebook/twitter who's part of the fandom, unfollow them. It's hard, I know. For me it was Justin Bieber two years back. He was my every thought and it took me a few months to stop being obsessive. Even now that he's a d**che, I still find myself thinking about him every so often. The only way I managed to stop was just every time I thought of him, I pushed it away and thought of something else.
Now I also want to say that a normal amount of obsession is great! In the past year I've gotten into the TV show Supernatural and also Sons of Anarchy and have healthy obsessions with them. It's great to be passionate about something, it can be a great source of happiness. Just don't let it pull you over the edge like it sounds like it is right now. Maybe try to get into some other artist so your attention is 100% on just the one guy.
Best of luck Smile

- Maria - 03-23-2014 07:41 AM

Once your in, you can't get out.
No i'm only joking but for me it's One Direction(2 1/2 yrs). Little Mix(2 yrs), and 5SOS(2 yrs). and i try to limit myself from the amount of time i spend on Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram to not be distracted.It's okay to talk about your obsession for a little bit but try to calm yourself when you do . (This works for me)

- ASDFJKL - 03-23-2014 07:51 AM

I have that problem with one direction. Sorry, but there is no way out. It is a contagious disease that never goes away. You are going to die.