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How can I get around my parents? - Printable Version

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How can I get around my parents? - Crystal - 03-23-2014 07:28 AM

I want a Facebook account but my parents won't let me and I respect there choice but I'm getting bullied for not having one. I don't want it to be to ovibeous but works.

- Lauren - 03-23-2014 07:32 AM

Its nothing great about facebook its gets boring after a while tbh but if you really want one that much get them to sign one up for themselves so they can add you onit and know your not getting up to nothing, give them your password so they can check up on you and let them see what you are going every now and again so they can trust you that way they might let you if not just tell them that your getting bullied because of it and tell them its not that much of a big deal you can accept and add whoever you want so its not like your going to have strangers onit is it and you can block your page so only friends can see it so its safe Smile

Good Luck

- Dylan - 03-23-2014 07:36 AM

They can't really stop you...