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Why does no one like Acacia Brinley? - Printable Version

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Why does no one like Acacia Brinley? - Jay - 03-23-2014 09:53 AM

Like everyone on twitter and everywhere just hates her, I know she's kind of a fag but why does nobody else like her??

- Karen - 03-23-2014 09:57 AM

I know some people on tumblr like her, but iv heard shes mean to fans

- McKayla - 03-23-2014 10:04 AM

Well I've heard that she thinks she's so famous and beautiful and a good role model when really she's not. She's mean to fans and people don't like her because she acts so fake. And apparently there's a rumor that she convinced someone to buy her multiple front row tickets to a One Direction concert to see the opening band and then leave after they were done.

- Mo_ody - 03-23-2014 10:08 AM

you said she's a *** so do we have to love her, and if we do, do this will make her not ***

- anony - 03-23-2014 10:22 AM

because nobody knows who she is

- :) - 03-23-2014 10:36 AM

ok. so i know that at least in the directioner fandom, she is hated because she posts naked pictures of herself to get attention. she is hated by a lot of people because of that. the fact that she uses her body to get attention from people. although i don't know why everyone specifically hates her bc a lot of people do that, i guess its because she is really popular and pretty and whatnot.

- Michelle - 03-23-2014 10:46 AM


- Aloelle - 03-23-2014 10:51 AM

She sent out naked pictures to guys. Oh and she acts like she's famous when she's really not.

- Fexty - 03-23-2014 11:07 AM not so innocent anymore,is she.

- Xxhawk sasukeXx - 03-23-2014 11:13 AM

Excuse Me Do You Go To Levey Or Southfield High!