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Prominent rape cases between 2000-2010? - Printable Version

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Prominent rape cases between 2000-2010? - Aquamarine - 03-23-2014 10:42 AM

I need prominent rape cases in the 21st century to study for my senior project. Thanks!

- Flash Kellam - 03-23-2014 10:52 AM

Dear Aquamarine:

Here are a few.

Sydney (Australia) Gang Rapes (2000): A gang of Lebanese immigrants attacked white Australian women and girls in gangs as large in number as 14. These attacks led to the creation of a new category of sexual offense called “aggravated sexual assault in company”, which is just a legalistic way of saying “gang rape” The theory was that, while a woman might be able to fight off and escape from one attacker, she could not hope to fight off an entire gang. Therefore, the category provides that not only will every member of the gang be punished, but at a much greater level.

Elizabeth Smart Case (2002-2003): 14-year old Elizabeth Smart was abducted from her Salt Lake City home in June of 2002. She was rescued after enduring nine months of captivity, brainwashing, and sexual assault. The case received extensive media coverage.

Duke Lacrosse Case (2006): Stripper Crystal Gail Mangum accused three members of the Duke University men’s lacrosse team of raping her at a frat party. Because of the race angle (the accuser was black; all three of the accused were white), social commentators, race hustlers, and black militants had a field day stirring up racial animosity for their own selfish purposes. How unfortunate for them that the charges were ultimately proven to be unfounded.

Jaycee Duggard Case (1991-2009): Jaycee Duggard was rescued in 2009 after enduring 18 years of captivity, during which time she was repeatedly raped by her abductor. Two children resulted from those assaults.

Ariel Castro Kidnappings (2002-2013): Ariel Castro abducted three Cleveland, Ohio women between the years 2002-2004. The women were not rescued until 2013. The charges against Castro totaled 937, including multiple counts of rape. Castro later committed suicide in prison.

That should get you started.

Flash Kellam

- Antonio 13 - 03-23-2014 11:05 AM

Most women don`t report rapes. It is an embarassment to them, that's why they don't talk much about that incident.