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What happens when you 'like' a facebook page? Experts, please this way :)? - Printable Version

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What happens when you 'like' a facebook page? Experts, please this way :)? - Rising_Star - 10-15-2012 07:55 PM

Can the page owner see your pics/about me/friends list etc... like a regular friend would? AND do they know the name of people who 'liked' their page? i.e. a local organisation?

- Ann sers - 10-15-2012 08:03 PM

You get databased (read: tracked) then the information is passed on wherever/whenever it's needed (read: law enforcement) or useful (read: for profit to any party willing to pay).

Facebook is all about profitable surveillance... You willingly give away your info by submitting it or signing away rights when you sign up, allowing them to surveil you beyond just the facebook site itself and sometimes computer activity beyond just the Internet itself... You think they only collect information willingly submitted? They also track your browsing and activities across the whole Internet and potentially invade on you even past that threshold. But in the end I guess it is all willingly collected information that gets databased considering you can read their privacy policy, terms of service, etc.. and you can also see what their tracking cookies are up to if you know how...

Thats not the whole of it, but that gives you a good idea about how it works.