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Is there I way I can use a facebook image URL to find the profile it originally came from? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Is there I way I can use a facebook image URL to find the profile it originally came from? (/thread-112607.html)

Is there I way I can use a facebook image URL to find the profile it originally came from? - Jill - 03-23-2014 12:18 PM

I have image URLS and I'm wondering if I can find the facebook profile they came from just based off of the image URLS. Thanks!
It doesn't say

It's the direct img URL so it looka like: AND STUFF

- Dasie - 03-23-2014 12:24 PM

if its the facebook URL thn i think so. like if it says
then yes.. it should

- lantere - 03-23-2014 12:34 PM

Try this:

Or you can do it yourself.

If the image url is:
http : // photos-b . ak . facebook . com / n123456789 _ 999999 _ 8888 . jpg

then the User ID is:

You can go the profile like this:
http : // www . facebook . com / profile . php ? id = 123456789