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I hate my hometown, is it normal to be depressed over this? - Printable Version

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I hate my hometown, is it normal to be depressed over this? - SaratheSlytherin - 03-23-2014 04:44 PM

I'm originally from Florida, but I'm stuck in North Carolina now. I don't think of it as ''home.'' It literally makes me want to kill myself! I don't have suicide in me, because I don't know what is on the other side of death. I've always been a Christian (although I'm having doubst now) and I'm not sure how God views suicide. But I'm so unhappy here... I don't really want to die per se. I just want to get the hell out of NC!

This isn't an angsty teenage post, btw. I'm a young college grad and I just got back ''home'' to USA. I was a TEFL teacher in Mexico for three years. My family guilted me into coming back and now I am starting to regret it and reverse culture shock is a bitch.

I HATE it when people expect me to think of NC as ''home'' or expect me to have warm fuzzy feelings. We moved here from Florida and the move was VERY hard on me. NC is just a place to imagine escaping.

I seriously can't adjust to the culture in NC. The climate is a nightmare. Dark, bitterly cold, harsh winters and ice and sleet for months, and it's a gross mucky swamp in summer. No beach (the closest one is a million miles away in Wilmington). Not all but most people are mean and shitty, you go in a store and people are rude to you. People are basically unfriendly and it's impossible to find a niche here. The big interests here are NASCAR and college football and if you're not into that you don't fit in. NC has nothing to offer single young people and little to nothing in the way of culture. I'm not looking for a relationship but just a social life and a LIFE!! It's impossible to meet guys for friendship or anything else and everything is for married couples and families. I feel like I'm rotting here. And they make it impossible for people without a car to get around. I don't have a car (I have a license but no car) and it's impossible to walk to the corner store for milk like a normal person in a normal town. I'm sick and tired of being a prisoner in the house. I LOVE nature and the mountains are really beautiful but I live in a disgusting mill town, it's concrete and steel from one horizon to the other.

I've been to a myriad of really cool places and wish with all my heart I could stay. I miss my home state of Florida. I miss the Florida sunshine and I miss going to the beach whenever the hell I feel like it. I studied abroad in Mexico twice, once in Spain and then taught English in Mexico. Honestly my last experience in Mexico was a negative one but it was worth it for the great Mexican friends and the cool church I went to. I also miss the markets and the friendly people. Cuernavaca is my favourite town and I miss the sunshine and blue skies so much.

I also went to Austin, Texas for a little while and I wish wish wish I could go back. I am from Florida but I feel like I was meant to have been a Texan... I'm crying for Texas. Everyone makes fun of Texas, I agree that Dubya did some idiotic things but I would give anything to spend one more day warm in their Southern hospitality. I always felt wanted there, people were friendly and there was always stuff to do and stuff for single people.

Can anyone else relate? All these people claim to have relocated to NC and love it but I just CAN'T adjust to it. I feel like I'm rotting here. I want to just leave but I feel so trapped and I don't know where to go.

I feel seriously trapped. What would you do?
Amen to that Ezekiel! There's nothing to do but eat junk food... and make babies (which I have yet to do).
KmcG... value judgements much? Seriously you don't even know me. Before you judge. Do you realize I worked my way through college? I have tried and tried to find a job but the problem is that there is NO opportunity in NC. I have applied at about 200 places. Seriously I don't need another person to accuse me of not trying to find a job... the economy in NC has never climbed out of the recession. I'm not lazy, I am seriously TRYING.
KmcG... that's the problem... there are no opportunities where I live. Supposedly there's no more recession but NC is still stuck in it. I certainly wouldn't want McDonalds as a career but there's nothing I'm too high and mighty to do. I have multiple degrees and can't even get that. The situation in NC is REALLY bad now. I am in grad school for health care and already started on resumes to get a job elsewehere...

- Ezekial - 03-23-2014 04:46 PM

I hate north carolina also. It freaking suck! There is nothing here except like 200 Mcdonalds and a bunch of ignorant people.

- KMcG - 03-23-2014 04:49 PM

I'd be finding a job, any job so I could buy a car. Then I'd be looking for another job that was locayed somewhere I wanted to live. You are an adult, act like it. I moved from my "hometown" , yeah there was the attemps to guilt me into moving back, they gave up on that after a couple of years and accepted that I was where I wanted and needed to be. Live in Atlanta. 20 years still.happpy here. Edit: I in no way think you are lazy, have you considered looking for a job in a place you want to move to, it would be harder without a car but would still be doable,especially if you are moving to an urban area.and really sorry that you thought I was saying or implied that you are lazy. Not at all. Follow ypur dream. I also worked my way through college and yeah I took a job at McDonald's to get enough money to move to where there were opportunities.

- dante - 03-23-2014 04:58 PM

Same i hate my hometown. There isnt anything to do. Plus my shook is 3600 people. I wish i went to a smaller school. I want to be in florida but its like my family is constantly trying to but in their opinions as the final verdict

- Kay - 03-23-2014 05:10 PM

You sound like you have Seasonal Affective Disorder on top of everything else. You would probably benefit from high doses of vitamin D3--you have to build gradually from 1000 IU to 5 or 10,000. Your intestinal track will tell you if you're taking too much. Bright lights in the house will also help.

That could be the first step in you being able to think clearly and form a plan to get out of the small town South, to stop accepting the guilt your family is so ready to lay on you. You deserve more.

- Esther - 03-23-2014 05:18 PM

You are free to live where you decide, so do not despair, just plan what you can do to get your dream.
You can finish your studies, work and save some money, and then move to Mexico, Texas or Spain and try to get a job as an English teacher.
It's not impossible, many people have done it and you have done it before.
You have to be patient and think that tomorrow everything will be better, it's only a matter of time.