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If she doesn't text back then what? - Printable Version

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If she doesn't text back then what? - Randy - 03-23-2014 05:28 PM

I talk to this girl from my class on Facebook and I would just start out as asking for the homework and she would tell me but one day she was sick and I offered her my hw and she said thank you then I said I hope you feel better and she said thank youSmile then I said if u ever need help with I thought at that moment she liked me but then it got better I then asked her what the hw was again and she said it and then told me that she could give me her number because it's easier then Facebook then I said if u need help in Spanish I could help you and I texted her and we had a brief convo only bc it was just to let her know that it was me that was texting her and not some random guy and then I texted a day later saying hey and she didn't respond and two days later I said hey what's up and she still never responded then today I said did u think the midterm was hard?no response still! why is that?

- James - 03-23-2014 05:36 PM

Tip: Stop talking about homework and school related stuff because you will get friend zoned. Talk to her on facebook as she is more likely going to reply to general questions there + you can see if she has viewed the message.

- Vikings - 03-23-2014 05:43 PM

You came off a little desperate bro, but even then I don't think she was interested. IDK why she gave you her number. IMO, she is going to use you. So I would drop the nice guy act since she is kind of acting like a jerk. If she texts you about school you might want to think about not texting back. I don't think she is interested bro. Word of advice saying hey to start a text really isn't that good of idea. Ask how she doing, how her day went. A girl is much more likely to respond to that message then a hey. I really hope that helps. Most of your interaction with women has to be learned

- john - 03-23-2014 05:59 PM

ahhh the truth hurts.. i'm afraid she doesn't like you like that, If you want her to be more interested try not to talk about boring topics like homework, its worth a shot. But if a girl doesn't reply don't send even more messages it won't make it any better. I've been in those predicaments where you get no reply, that's where you cut your losses and move on. There's plenty of other girls out there! Its a funny topic if a girl doesn't reply she wants you to 'get the message' but she doesn't send a message lol. Forget her!