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Advertising on Facebook Question...? - Printable Version

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Advertising on Facebook Question...? - ashley_fae_greenock2001 - 03-23-2014 09:21 PM

Someone was selling something on Facebook. And they wanted me to pay the money into their bank account, as they needed money asap. We were planning on doing it with paypal, so i sent it using Paypal, but then this seller refunded me, my £700 as this seller says "cant access it until 12th January and needs money for car tomorrow afternoon" which was last week sometime. So i did get my refund back right away. And i transferred this money into his bank, as he gave me his bank details. i didnt give out mines, only my house address as hes posting this item to my address.

Ive been trying to keep in touch with this seller, as yi know, its a big amount of money to someone i dont know. I am a bit on edge here. Ive just been asking like whens it going to be dispatched, when can i expect it to be delivered etc. and he says it is gona be dispatched tomorrow (fri 27th) and should be there by Monday 30th.

Im still on edge yi know coz ive never done it this way before and its always off of ebay or threw paypal. not just transferred through my bank! I just really realllllyyy hope this comes by at least Monday. Hope ive not been took for a ride.

Anyone got any advise, please make it positive? What should i do if it goes wrong?
Should i ask if i can get refunded the now until when item arrives then i can pay him again? but then i'll need to give out my bank details wont i Confused

- PJ - 03-23-2014 09:25 PM


- Resnick - 03-23-2014 09:26 PM

No. you could pay him or carry on risk.