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Are imitation apps on windows store legit? - Printable Version

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Are imitation apps on windows store legit? - Christopher - 03-23-2014 10:44 PM

So I bought the surface 2 because I really prefer it over ipad or any other tablets. Everything about it is better but the app store. The windows store is still not well developed and doesn't have most apps that android and apple store have. Apps like snapchat, vine, instagram, Spotify are not listed in the windows store. Although when I search them up, I get imitation apps that are created by various publishers and have similar themes as the original apps on android and apple, but what bothers me is that you actually get your friends list or play list when you sign in with your legit accounts. What does that mean? Are those imitation apps legit? How do they use my accounts to retriever information from the real app? Are they legal. For example the app called prosnap is an imitation of snapchat. The app called spotlite is an imitation of Spotify. I use them and they really do work, but it scares me how they can retrieve my account info and actually log me in to the legit app. Anyone has any idea?

- Geek Squad - 03-23-2014 10:49 PM

Typically speaking, there is always a risk, especially to private information, when using an application made by a software developer other than original developer themselves (ie. Tweetbot vs. Official Twitter application). As far as the legal aspect goes, provided the application does not alter, change or make unauthorized connections on your behalf, then it's up to the original developer whether or not they allow access from other applications. Bottom line, I would stick with the original application for every instance and for the situations where an imitation is necessary, contact the developer directly and ask them what their privacy policy is. Also, check to see the comments/reviews about the application and see if anyone else has had a problem. You might find that the knock-off application is not as good as you think. Hope that helps!

Agent Erwin M
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Double Agent Covert
Geek Squad Social Media Team

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