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Do Libertarians think there WON't be a revolution under these conditions? - Printable Version

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Do Libertarians think there WON't be a revolution under these conditions? - KM - 03-24-2014 10:07 AM

In an ideal Libertarian world, the free market will allocate goods without government intervention. Those with limited purchasing power will have no demand, because demand only accounts purchasing power. Thus these people will not get access to basic goods. Programs like social security, welfare, medicare, and medicare won't exist, thus more people will become more desperate. If people lose their jobs, well they're out of luck because the system doesn't care. Do you think those who are suffering from lack of regulations/interventions in the free market will just be content, or do you think they'll revolt? They probably won't revolt right away, but almost certainly they will....eventualy

I hope this revolution does take place
I said the revolution will likely not take place right away, but if the government ignores their demands, it's almost inevitable that SOMETHING will take place. That's WHY the Progressive movement was so needed. That;s WHY labour regulations were needed. Ignore those for too long and the consequences will be disastrous

- Amateurtrip555 - 03-24-2014 10:15 AM

Sounds like iceland and look how horrible they ended up.

- E - 03-24-2014 10:20 AM

The United states survived for more than half a century after the Civil War without those programs, so what makes you think removing those programs will spark a revolution now other than the fact that Americans are more spoiled now?

- Turtle - 03-24-2014 10:29 AM

This "ideal Libertarian world" thing I keep seeing is enough for me to read no further. If you want an answer and by now have not gotten it through your thick skull that Libertarians are not trying to make it a perfect world, you are a lost cause. That is exactly the opposite of Libertarianism. It's the Liberals that think perfection is possible and will not stop robbing us of rights until the impossible is achieved. Libertarians are all about acknowledging nature is imperfect.

- Mike M 7 - 03-24-2014 10:31 AM

you mean the same conditions the US had before the progressive movement of the early 1900s ?

you mean the same conditions that got the industrial revolution started and in full swing and helped put the US on a path to be a super power ?

go back to russia

- u_bin_called - 03-24-2014 10:33 AM

by "these conditions" I assume you mean in the circus that is your head... thus, anything is possible

- smkeller - 03-24-2014 10:41 AM

I doubt it.

We will just slide and slide farther down the social scale.

Already our infant mortality rate is WORSE than Cuba's.

Hear anyone expressing concern?

Look at some of the Asian and South American countries, with a huge income gap.

This is where we are going.

- McNamara - 03-24-2014 10:49 AM

If they are capable of violence, they are capable of working just like everyone else. Envy and need do not and will not ever justify violence against other people. Besides, without such overbearing government intervention in the economy, most vital products and services (like health care, for instance) would be far less expensive than they are now and there would be much more economic opportunity (starting with more JOBS).

Advocating unlimited government and then whining about unfairness when it destroys economic opportunity is the height of stupidity.

- Uncle Pennybags - 03-24-2014 10:57 AM

So for the first 100 years or so of the United States, we didn't have any welfare systems.

Why didn't people revolt then?

Clearly there were many very poor people and some very rich people. Why no revolt?

- Michael - 03-24-2014 10:58 AM

I can make this a lot simpler; either humans can cooperate for a better society, or we cannot. If we can, we don't need government, we'll do it on our own because that is our nature. If we cannot, then we're screwed as a species no matter what.