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Shy girls opinions please? - Printable Version

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Shy girls opinions please? - Bradley - 03-24-2014 10:08 AM

Ok so long story short my shy crush ( we've known eachother for about 4 years , were both 15 ) she is really shy and has confidence problems , I admitted to her that I really like her and told her what I like about her she replied by telling me that she feels te same for me. We've been on dates and I want to ask her to be my Gf but we can't talk much I person due to trying to hide news of "us" and because I a problem with a "friend" of hers ( who treats her bad and that pisses me off because she doesn't deserve that ). I texted her the day afterwards when she was getting ready for school ( I had been ill all week and missed every day of school that week , she said se missed me loads while I was gone ) I said good morning beautiful and he replied with 7 hearts.

Anyway we haven't been able to talk much if at all lately and I sent her a msg on Facebook asking if we could have a chat tomorrow ad telling her that Iossed beig able to talk to her and I missed her cute giggle and her smile and being able to look in her eyes ( all of that it true btw ) do you think I shouldn't have sent that messge ? Idk I feel it makes me look a bit needy but I just wante dot tell her the truth ad try to e able to talk to her again. I miss her : / Sad she doesn't reply to messages or texts anymore and it makes me feel like crap sometimes , I do really care for her but it gives me doubts sometimes because m favourite thing about her is when we talk and have fun.

- Intellectualtrick149 - 03-24-2014 10:10 AM

Nop its jus ok
u jus told her wht u feel
dn wrry
n get wel soon

- Gayle - 03-24-2014 10:10 AM

I think your message to her was cute and that she probably thought so too. She might just be busy or have stuff going on In her life you never know. Don't give up she's shy after all