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Is this weird to you (10 pts for best answer)? - Printable Version

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Is this weird to you (10 pts for best answer)? - roundmom974 - 03-24-2014 10:08 AM

I'm 15 and I've never even been hugged by a guy. Guys haven't even shown interest in me. And no one has ever asked me to a dance of anything. It just feels weird cause all my friends have. I don't have a bad personality or anything. People think I'm nice, funny, and smart. I know this is weird, but is it cause I'm ugly lol? Here's some pics of me?

**Please be honest Smile

- Katya - 03-24-2014 10:18 AM

Old Man Burns is an idiot. You are VERY beautiful. Exotically beautiful. But you need to smile! Stop worrying about hugs, kisses, boyfriends, and all that nonsense. You are too young. Have fun with your friends and get some hobbies. I promise you, you are very pretty.

- Raecel - 03-24-2014 10:27 AM

I am going to be completely honest of you. You are an attractive girl. You have beautiful big brown eyes and gorgeous full lips, with a nice set of locks. I think old man burns is a jack ass and doesn't appreciate natural beauty. I do agree that you should probably groom your eyesbrows.. but that is the only thing I agree with him on. You should try to enhance the nice features that you have. Throw on a good shade of lipstick to make your lips stand out. here is a link below on how to accent your eyes and do your make up for your look.

Hope it helps ..

- Blaze - 03-24-2014 10:33 AM

I don't get it, you're not ugly

- Milana - 03-24-2014 10:37 AM

You're too young Smile don't worry it'll happen