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on everyone's main friendlist on Facebook where your able to see all friends,? - Printable Version

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on everyone's main friendlist on Facebook where your able to see all friends,? - Jessie - 03-24-2014 10:09 AM

are the friends closest to the top of the list people they are in contact with the most? or is purely a random order? What does this mean because it isn't an alphabetical order and similar people are shown at the top of their list everytime I look at the friend list?

- Lillo - 03-24-2014 10:12 AM

Hello There Smile

My Facebook friend list are in alphabetical order. Its probably cause you speak to those people a lot or something. I really don't know. But if you want to see updates from specific people then go on that persons profile and click somewhere where "close friends" say. It will then make a notification for you that, that person has posted, like or added someone on there Facebook.

And don't worry it won't go to the other persons profile saying that you added him/her to the "close friends" list. I added a lot of my friends on that who moved away really far from me & that I don't see that much anymore Sad.

But anyways hope this helps a little and that it answers your question Smile

- Pravallika - 03-24-2014 10:21 AM

yeah, you're an observer! Smile yep the people shown on the top of the chat list are the people we frequently message. The algorithms do the job for facebook. You'll notice that facebook bugs you by asking some one as a 'close friend' if we text them too often. Same here too, the algos do these kinda jobs by observing our manners. Check out the ads too that appear on the side, they're somehow related to the searches we perform on fb or from our interests section.